Thursday, October 26, 2017

Planning a Plein Air Painting Trip with Friends

My last post was about packing for a plein air painting trip.  I have taken a number of traveling workshops.  It was great to have instruction at fabulous locations, but lately I have wished for a trip with painting friends to paint whatever we wanted each day and to enjoy each other's company.

This August I went with a group to paint in Maine.  We planned it almost a year in advance. It spread by word of mouth among friends.  We decided on a location in Maine- there are endless possibilities there.  I don't think you can go wrong on that coast in the summer or early fall.  We picked Harpswell with plans for a day trip to Monhegan Island. We stayed at a large inn which is a B&B on the point.  We could have painted there the whole time but we found some wonderful areas close by.  To get to Monhegan from the inn was an hour's drive and then a 2 1/2 hr. ferry ride each way.  Our time on the island was limited though we had lunch  (lobster rolls!) and time for one painting.  I would love to go back to the island and spend at least 3 nights.

Planning a trip is not difficult if you have a group of plein air painters.  We had 7 with additional family  members but 3 or 4 would have been fine. I liked using an inn because if someone had to cancel it would not have affected anyone else's plans or cost.  5 nights was adequate considering the proximity of the local sights.  A full week would have been even better.

We planned some locations but also played it by ear. It was very different from a workshop and we learned so much about the area.  We did not try to do everything together since we had a larger group with a variety of preferences.

Though this was a plane trip for most of us, it could just as well have been a road trip. I would like to try that in the future, maybe with multiple destinations.

Happy painting travels, and get out there somewhere.

                                                    Fish Creek, Monhegan Island  8"x10"

View from the Point  9"x12"

Painting at the Point

                                                        Photo courtesy of Bruce Dean

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